Thursday, August 30, 2007

Opening Post

OK, I think I'm going to give this blogging thing a try. As the parent of a 1 year old, I can't guarantee regular posts, but I'm going to shoot for a few times a week.

This blog will largely consist of political commentary. Allow me to state for the record right now that I am a Democrat. I've always been a Democrat, but wasn't completely solid in my conviction until oh, roughly, 2000. The Republican party's divisiveness, scapegoating, bellicosity and relentless partisanship has damaged this country greatly, perhaps irrevocably. That said, I will aim for a more factual approach to my commentary as my primary objective will be election forecasting, not changing hearts and minds.

There will also be occasional commentary on my son (the cutest little thing ever - I'll refer to him as "M") and wife ("J"), fantasy sports (another too-important part of my life), sports in general (I enjoy both watching a playing), travel (something we used to do a lot of, since M arrived, not so much) and music (ditto).

By way of biography, I am 31, live in greater Seattle area (having just relocated after a number of years in Manhattan), have a BS in Mathematics and an MBA and work in the tech industry after many years in banking.

That's it for now - I look forward to comments.

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